A night of knowledge and giving: £3,000 raised at Bell’s Accountants charity quiz
Thank you to everyone involved in Bell’s Accountants Charity Quiz night at The Bromley Court Hotel on Thursday 17th October. There was an abundance of very knowledge attendees indeed, making for an extremely competitive event. The ‘Chartwell Champs’ did their absolute best, reaching fourth place overall, gratefully avoiding the ‘wooden spoon’ prize for coming last!
It was a fantastic evening, and the best part, £1,500 was raised, which is being match-funded to £3,000. Thank you so much to Bells!
Bells have supported Chartwell since 2019 raising thousands for The Chartwell Children’s Cancer Trust including sponsoring AV1 robot ‘Annabelle’. This was their second quiz night and we very much look forward to competing in the next one!