For thrill-seekers and the brave among you, an exhilarating and exciting experience like no other, and one you will never forget!

Abseil down London’s ArcelorMittal Orbit, Olympic Park, the UK’s tallest sculpture.  Dangle in free space, 80 metres above ground before commencing your abseil.  

To find out more visit https://www.wireandsky.co.uk/adventure/abseil-the-arcelormittal-orbit/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhNbxtoDcgAMVDb53Ch29awsWEAAYASAAEgLmz_D_BwE

Entry is FREE when booked through The Chartwell Charities

Minimum fundraising target: £300 

All equipment, training, and most importantly an instructor is included!

Event Date: Contact us for information on dates

Email: mcalthorpe@chartwellcancertrust.co.uk

Call Michelle on 01959 570322 
